Shipping Information

Your pakage will be shipped by the Deutsche(German) Post within 2 days of receiving your payment. Shipping costs are comprised of postage and packaging fees.

Shipping costs


Order Amount Shipping fees
0,00-30,00 Euro 7,69 Euro
30,00-350,00 6,19 Euro
350,00 - free

European Union (excl. Germany):

Bestellwert Versandkosten
0,00-30,00 Euro 15,99 Euro
30,00-350,00 Euro 14,49 Euro
350,00 - free

Europe (non EU):

Order Amount Shipping fees
0,00-30,00 Euro 32,49 Euro
30,00-350,00 30,99 Euro
350,00 - 16,99 Euro


Order Amount Shipping fees
0,00-30,00 Euro 49,49 Euro
30,00-350,00 47,99 Euro
350,00 - 32,99 Euro

Australia / New Zealand/Japan:

Order Amount Shipping fees
0,00-30,00 Euro 49,49 Euro
30,00-350,00 47,99 Euro
350,00 - 32,99 Euro

Information for Shipping Times

In the following Table are listed the shipping times for delieverys in other countries, The following times are in addition to the shipping times displayed with each item.

Area Additional time in Days
EU 2-9
Europe (non EU) 5-10*

*Customs may cause further delays.

If you have orderd more tham one item, for which differnt shipping times are given, your order will be shipped complete. Unless we have made other arrangements. In this case, the shipping time for the item with the longest shipping time will be the shipping time for the complete order.

Information for Calculating Shipping Times

Shipping times begin on the day following the reciept of complete payment and end at the end of the day on the last day of the deadline. If the last day of the shipping deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday the next working day will then be considerd the shipping deadline.